A bespoke Careers Programme that offers:
- 4-week Coaching Programme, that focusses on language confidence in the workplace, life coaching, wellbeing and career centred workshops to prepare the trainee for the next steps in their careers
- A 4-week Sector Specific Programme: Delivered by our carefully selected industry partner. This component of the programme will offer an overview of the sector, training and opportunities to further your careers.
- Access to an online learning portal, with pre-recorded videos, employability resources (such as CV skills and interview tips). This is a space where you can record your progress and insights throughout the 8 weeks.
- Support with the next steps in your career, through personalised mentoring.
Khala Careers is available for adults, aged 25+ who have received a settled status (Refugee, Humanitarian Protection, LLR) in the UK within the last 12 months, following an asylum claim. You will be an early-mid level professional with a good command of conversational and written English Language.